Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Don’t read this post; it’s seriously boring and a waste of time. Go for a run or walk the dog or stare at a wall- it will be better use of your time.

My Birkman Analysis that I took at work says that I hate planning things…not like parties…I think I like planning parties. Not that I have ever planned a party. But Birkman is right. I hate planning out my week or day or the next 2 hours or what I will take for lunch tomorrow or my workout or what I will wear the next day. Hate it. Because, like, what if I want to change my mind, and I just spent all of that time and effort planning it out? That would be very annoying. And wasteful. I’m just trying to be a good steward of my time. I’m just trying to live my life.

The inevitable is that God will use his hilarious humor and pair you with someone who, for example, loves to have everything planned out and will ask four thousand five hundred fifty two questions to know all of the facts regarding said plan. And, as a result, you will find out that trying not to plan when the other one wants to plan will cause you all sorts of stress that you never knew you could experience. This is just for example.

But here’s the thing. I like to eat healthy and it can be pricey. Whoa total change of subject!! In fact, this all relates and this may be the most nauseatingly (I don’t know if that’s a word, but spell check isn’t flagging it, so I’m going with it) boring and grammatically incorrect blog post you have ever read in your entire lifespan. Eating healthy requires planning and preparation. Cringe.

But a lot of my friends and family have asked me how DC and I find time and are able to budget to eat healthy. When we first got married, we would go and spend all of this money on produce, put it in the half-working drawer in our apartment fridge, and pull it out conveniently a day after it had gone bad.

So here’s our thing. On Sunday (usually because it is big sample day and we really don’t have to eat lunch when we get home) after church, we go to the store and get all of our goods. Here is our fruit basket (wedding gift courtesy of Haven Bowers. Go give money to her run for Lymphoma or else).

Will Dietz says that everyone needs a 2 tiered wire fruit basket.

So there’s that.

fruit basket 2

So, after we lug everything out of the super busy HEB on Buffalo Speedway that we love, we go home and prep everything. And this little wonder makes it so easy!

trash bowl 2

The Rachel Ray garbage bowl which is also considered a perfect gift because I love this thing so much. Seriously, while I am prepping, I throw ALL scraps in here and I am not going back and forth to the garbage. Genius. Who would have thought…a bowl…

Anyway, so we peel it, cut it, prep it and put it in Pyrexes and it is ready for the entire week to throw into dinners, to throw into our lunches, and for easy healthy snacks. Plus! It keeps for much, much longer, HENCE, we don’t have to buy produce once a week anymore.

prepped 2

And if DC helps me, he usually makes something fun like Mango Salsa

mango salsa 2

Freaking. Yum.

Preparation really is whatcha gotta do to eat healthier- an hour per week of preparing like this, planning your meals for the week (especially around the holidays!) will save you tons and tons of time and effort (and calories) during the week. It’s a must if you want to control what you’re eating. So it is the only thing I will agree to plan in my life. That and when I am going to run.

And if you read this far, go beg God to give you the last 5 minutes of your life back because you just read the most humdrum blog post in the history of the world.


  1. i thouroughly enjoyed the last 5 minutes. I laughed out loud in the computer lab. Thanks :D

  2. This was NOT a waste of 5 minutes missy. In face Will got very excited because you have the exact 2 tiered fruit basket he pictured when he first said that quote. He was excited to be quoted twice. But seriously, I have to start having a chop happy Sunday.

  3. i loved the haven bowers fruit bowl marathon plug

  4. I agree with the previous commenters- this was a great post. One of your top ten, in my opinion. I learned something, was impressed, and laughed a lot. When I finally get situated in Norfolk, I will consult you on this subject because I want to do this, but will need both instruction and motivation.

  5. That is a good idea!

    We have a great farmer's market here when the weather warms up (I know, it's Dec. yet I'm already thinkin' Spring!) and chopping Sunday would totally work for me.


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