Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dang you were fine, 2009, Part Deux

new year collage


We celebrated our independence at the lake house in Livingston. Amy and Ricky came down from Rhode Island for the weekend. It was nice to have someone to play with on the water toys.


Do my arms look disgustingly ripped in that picture? Don’t let this mislead you. I have no muscle.

I also creamed everyone in the non-existent fishing contest

2 fish I think that was my 2nd of 5 fish.

My sweet friend, Lisa, got married in July in Marble Falls!

bridal party

SUCH a pretty wedding, so fun, so Texas. We love Klay. We are happy she found him.


I don’t remember a whole lot going on in August except that work was insane for whatever reason.

We went to a beautiful potluck dinner out at some friends’ lake house. Every couple got their own table and were served by whoever brought each course. Such a great idea.


In September we went camping at Camp Eagle for a mountain bike race. DC did great in the downhill danger race (that’s not really the name, but it made me so friggin nervous), but got a stupid flat tire on the other one. We had a good time sleeping in a tent, being gross, hanging our clothes in the trees only for it to pour during the night. Why can’t I find any pictures of this??

We also started a Bible study with some couples in our Sunday School class and made some really, really awesome friends out of it.

group 2

Jesus loves Beatles Rock Band, too.


I feel like October was yesterday. DC went on his annual? semi-annual? Whenever they feel like it Old Man Mountain Bike Weekend at Flatrock Ranch.


night ride

I’ll spare you more [stolen] (thanks Mike Roberson!) pictures because from the looks of things, it was a gross boy weekend. I understand there was streaking.

Also in October! Tacie and her then not boyfriend, now boyfriend came down and we went to Ziegfest! Short story- Tacie, her 3 college friends, and I met on a cruise ship in 2006 and have stayed friends ever since.


I won’t say what DC says he looks like in this picture, but I look like a sheepdog.

dev and zach

Naturally, Zach was there, too. Where there is Texas country music, there will be Zach.


In November, Kstan (another cruise ship friend) ran the NYC marathon and creamed everyone. I still tell people about it.

I think the best thing about November was our trip to Dripping Springs where DC beat Lance Armstrong in a mountain bike race, and we stayed in the most in the middle of nowhere bed and breakfast.

view from bnb edited

A perfect weekend for both of us.


This month, I ran my first race ever. I really surprised myself when I finished and realized how easy that run was. I was even more surprised that I got first in my age group. Don’t ask me how many were in my age group.

post race smile full 2

Did I ever mention that it was 22 degrees out? Yes? Well, I’ll say it again. It was 22 degrees. In Texas…Houston, Texas. Ok, enough. I haven’t run much since, and I really enjoy it, so I need to get back on that.

Zach graduated from college. I do not believe this and refuse to ever accept that he is a grown up.

DC has been sick all month. Seriously, as I write this, it has been 27 days. It has been a building of tensile strength. It was our first Christmas together, and he slept through a lot of it. Poor guy. It was still perfect, but DC might say otherwise.

Lots of firsts this year. We’re ready for more.

us christmas 2

Cheers to 2010!

1 comment:

Hop on the love train