Thursday, December 17, 2009

I was going to post our Christmas tree today…

Which is actually pretty funny to me (I guess you’ll never know why), but I got some tough love feedback from one of my male readers yesterday.  We’ll call him A Money.


I tried to do a subtle picture of him, but, I mean, he’s like 8 feet tall.  Other things to note: Rhonda, he’s married; back off.  Kstan, you look simply delighted.  DHatch…I’m not sure what that move is (ps Happy Birthday!!)

Sorry for the massive caption.

So anyway Adam is all “I am so sick of arts and crafts and cooking and marriage talk”.   You would think he would want some marriage talk since he is engaged.  Some wisdom from my extremely experienced (ahem 8 months experienced) brain. 

Instead, he wants me to talk about Tiger Woods.

I think Tiger is disgusting.  So there’s that.

But, I guess this has turned into a little bit of a mom blog, and since a mom I am not, I guess I’m going to need to go a different direction because I do adore my readers of the other gender.

Any ideas?

P.S. A Money hasn’t missed a post yet.  So it must not be that bad.


  1. Seriously? your blog rocks.

    And, I wanna see your tree. So, back off A Money.


  2. KIM!
    I love you, blog friend

    (tree tomorrow, no worries)

  3. I think A Money is just trying to get informed
    for his upcoming life.

  4. I think A. Money was the other half of my dance off. Mystery solved!


Hop on the love train